I'm Tommie.

I didn’t always have this business: the clients, the courses, the sales, the confidence...

In fact, just a few years ago you could have found me wearing red and khaki, exhausted in my stuffy camper family of 5. I thought I had finally found myself living my dream until I wasn't, it had turned into a nightmare I had always wanted to avoid.

At the age of 39, everything I had built, worked hard for... God asked for my dream. Just like that, GIVE IT TO HIM. I knew what He had on the other side had to far outweigh what I was wading in. Little did I know, that everything I thought I loved was consuming my life and not in a good way. That single step pf obediance and social media break led me to this very moment in time where I am buidling a true business that doesnt require endless hustle and even more time away from my kids but instead I'm building this business all the while being present with my kids, learning to garden and bake and all the things I just thought were a mere thought in my mind. Today you can find me tearing up in our fixer upper with my family of 5 plus a pup or two.

I probably should have known that the girl who would collect cans and dump them in the driveway to smash them only to bag them back up and haul in for some monies would become an entrepreneur someday..


I’m probably sipping coffee or watching my girls swim their hearts out in our pooland dreaming of ways we can all get from where we are to where we want to be.

Want to know what lights me up? Helping women harness the power to take control of their lives. Busting the myth of balance. Showing the dreamer that starting a business is closer than they think. Redefining a person’s beauty in a world that tells us who to be. Shining a spotlight on glorious truths so we can all find our way back to a life that is truly our own.

In case you’re new around here, I believe that change happens where the woo meets the work. I can’t wait to show you exactly what I mean…

Stay Fabulous Friend,

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